
Michele L.

7 hours ago
Fat Lady's Cakes and Pies creates top-notch desserts that are fresh and delicious - they never disappoint.

E Chev

4 days ago
Amazing cupcakes! 🧁 Especially the sweet potato and white chocolate ones! Very pleasant staff and a definite must-try!


6 days ago
I wish I had a pic to share but the cupcake was so good that it was gone before I could even think about it. I had the Sweet Potato Cupcake ...
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Alicia Parker

6 days ago
Delicious, flavorful, and beautiful presentation! Love, love, love these cupcakes!😋❤️❤️

Jasmine Robinson

11 days ago
The red velvet cupcakes are DELICIOUS! They’re so moist and flavorful, definitely my favorite!

Anna Pal

a year ago
very good! red velvet is my fav!

Tiffany LaMar

3 years ago

Amanda Davis

5 years ago